My Story

Hi, I'm Stephanie - nice to meet you! :) I got into the hobby of candle making in December of 2020 to fuel my creative energy. I have always had a love for candles and was curious how candles were made. I dove right into researching candle making and learned all sorts of information on the different types of waxes and materials that go into a candle. It was very important to me to create a safe, sustainable and clean burning product. With that in mind, I made my first few candles and began sharing my creations with family and friends and really fell in love with the whole process. After about two years of testing different materials and custom fragrance blends, I decided that I wanted to share my candles with other fellow candle lovers who are wanting to fill their space with new and familiar scents. I love the idea of having a signature scent whether all year or throughout the seasons to match your current mood. Thus, BKH Candle Co. was born. 

Our Name

The name, BKH Candle Co. is very near and dear to my heart. I am a DIY’er to the core and have always loved working with my hands. Which is why candle making really spoke to me and came very naturally. DIY (do it yourself), by definition is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things by oneself. This is something I know I learned from my dad. I have many memories growing up of my dad always tinkering and making something out of nothing. He was always working with his hands, looking for the next project to tackle and learning new skills for said projects. I really think my creativeness came from watching him work and just his way of thinking when it came to approaching new projects. BKH, were his initials and I really wanted to honor him with my little shop. I hope that I am making him proud with what I created with my own two hands. 

If you made it this far, I am sincerely grateful to you for stopping by and taking the time to read my story. 
